Israel Travel Update
All Foreign Nationals will have to present before boarding:-
1. Approval/ Permit Letters from the Population and Immigration Ministry/ Embassy/ Consulate.
2. PCR test with a negative finding for the Covid-19 virus performed up to 72 hours before departure from the country of origin, subject to further testing upon arrival in Israel.
3. Entry of foreign Nationals into Israel is subject to presenting a health insurance (including a clause covering Covid-19 disease).
4. Entry of foreign Nationals into Israel is subject to filling an Online Health Declaration in Health Ministry website. Please refer to link:
5. Quarantine Declaration Form submitted with all required documents for the relevant category.
1. Visiting a First degree relative in Israel (citizen or permanent resident, that their center of life is in Israel), will be examined only for foreigners who were vaccinated (2 doses) for Covid-19 (official Certificate is required).
* Verified evidences of the family relations is required.
2. New students - will be allowed to enter Israel in accordance with the regular A2 procedure.
*Till 13/4/2021 Students who started their studies and are staying in India, will be allowed entry in accordance to the list that was forwarded to the Border Control.
Their permit letters will be issued by the Population and Immigration Authority.
List of required documents:
Presenting a Health insurance that includes a clause covering Covid-19 disease (through the stay)
Passport (valid for at least 6 months)
Official admission letter from the University specifying the field of studies and the exact date in which the course starts.
Bank statement
A signed application form of the visa
A copy of the University Health Statement and a health certificate of the educational institution issued by the Population Authority (Health Ministry’s approval)
Quarantine declaration
Families of students will be allowed to join the students as long as they provide the same documents.
3. Experts –
Documents are required:​
All required documents for B1 expert visa
Health insurance (including a clause covering Covid-19 disease
Quarantine declaration
Please refer to below link:
4. Weddings –
Arrivals for a weddings of first-degree Israeli relatives are allowed in accordance with the Health Ministry’s quarantine guidelines, and will be permitted only for those who were vaccinated (2 doses) for Covid-19 (official Certificate is required).
*The groom/bride’s parents are excluded from presenting Vaccination Certificate (but must follow the Health Ministry’s quarantine guidelines).
5. Bar- Mitzvah/ Births-
Arrival for a first-degree relative will be allowed only for those who were vaccinated (2 doses) for Covid-19 (official Certificate is required).
6. Funerals –
Arrival for a first-degree relative (without spouse) will be allowed only for the funeral (24 hours).
Participation in a “Shivaa” will be in accordance to the Health Ministry quarantine guidelines.
7. Religious workers / volunteers–
Confirmations for A3 /B4 from the Interior Ministry is required.
The consul will examine the applications and accordingly issue a visa and a permit letter.
Recommendation from the Religious Group Department and approval from the Health Ministry for the Quarantine are required.
8. Caregivers – Home Nursing:
According to the standard procedure.
PCR test with a negative finding for the Covid -19 virus performed up to 72 hours before departure from the country of origin, subject to further testing upon arrival in Israel.
9. Business – Foreign businesspersons who are interested in visiting Israel for business will have to request the company in Israel to handle the application with the authorities In Israel.
For additional information on how foreigners can enter Israel, please enter the link: